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  One of the most important activities for a Catholic is prayer. Without it there can be no true spiritual life. Through personal prayer and the communal prayer of the Church, especially the Mass, we worship and praise God, we express sorrow for our sins, and we intercede on behalf of others (1 Tim 2:1-4). Through prayer we grow in our relationship with Christ and with members of God’s family (CCC 2663-2696).


  The family includes all members of the Church, whether on earth, in heaven, or in purgatory. Since Jesus has only one body, and since death has no power to separate us from Christ (Rom. 8:38), Christians who are in heaven or who, before entering heaven, are being purified in purgatory by God’s love (1 Cor. 3:12-15) are still part of the Body of Christ (CCC 962).


  Jesus said the second greatest commandment is to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22-39). Those in heaven love us more intensely than they ever could have loved us while on earth. They pray for us constantly (Rev. 5:8), and their prayers are powerful (Jas. 5:16, CCC 956, 2683, 2692). Our prayers to the saints in heaven, asking for their prayers for us, and their intercession with the Father do not undermine Christ’s role as sole Mediator (1 Tim 2:5). In asking saints in heaven to pray for us we follow Paul’s instructions: “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone,” for “this is good and pleasing to God our Savior” (1 Tim. 2:1-4).


  All members of the Body of Christ are called to help one another through prayer (CCC 2647). Mary’s prayers are especially effective on our behalf because of her relationship with her Son (John 2:1-11).


  God gave Mary a special role (CCC 490-511, 963-975). He saved her from all sin (Luke 1:28, 47), made her uniquely blessed among all women (Luke 1:42), and made her a model for all Christians (Luke 1:48). At the end of her life he took her, body and soul, into heaven--an image of our own resurrection at the end of the world (Rev. 12:1-2).


Source: Pillar of fire Pillar of truth, The Catholic Church and God’s Plan for You,

Catholic Answers, PO Box 17490, San Diego, CA 92177

  There are potentially hundreds, even thousands, of beautiful prayer books that have been printed and distributed over the years. A special thanks is given for each of these through which the love for God shines brightly. Even though these books provide us with beautiful prayers and devotions, most do not really teach us how to pray.


  It is hoped that this prayer guide, which is also provided on-line at, will provide the structure for their prayer life that many Catholics have been searching for.


  This prayer guide highlights certain prayers and devotions for which Our Lord, Our Lady, and/or St. Joseph have made great promises to us. It also identifies certain prayers and devotions which earn indulgences that can expedite the release of souls from Purgatory into Heaven.


  This prayer guide also emphasizes the powerful help available to persons who are dying, including the Sacraments of Penance, Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum (Holy Communion given at the point of death as food for the eternal journey, and the Apostolic Pardon.


  At Medjugorje, Herzecovina, where she has been appearing every single day since June 24, 1981, Our Lady Queen of Peace has suggested that we put five stones into our knapsack, like David, in order to overcome the atheism that surrounds us, that paganistic mentality that is being disseminated and seems invincible. The five stones are (1) Prayer, (2) Fasting, (3) the Mass, (4) the Bible, and (5) Confession. With these weapons we can overcome the world.


  Prayer is the first weapon in our knapsack. We must begin praying now so that we may be transformed and raise ourselves up with others as well. Priests, parents, everyone, must pray. Prayer is a gift and a principal weapon given to the Church. The Church is neither an idea nor a political party; it is a family that prays, a family that loves.


  Our Lady is not bashful. She asks us to form prayer groups; and she asks us to pray three hours/day. Our Lady insists that prayer, especially the Rosary, is needed in order to transform the world. Per Our Lady: “God grants special graces in prayer.” “I call you, dear children, to prayer with the heart.”





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